ING Creatives

2 minute read
Ing creatives is an e-learning platform that provides professional resources in areas ranging from branding, design, product design, UI/UX, marketing, to advertising and social media, among others.


E-learning platform







Results page

Project Purpose and Goal

The CEO’s main concern was the speed of the original site. It was usually taking about 8-12 seconds to show the content. This meant that any social media campaign would likely fail, as users would leave the site before it even loaded. As google puts it “Two seconds is the threshold for ecommerce website acceptability. At Google, we aim for under a half-second.” Once that was agreed upon, I set my goal to prioritize speed.

Problems and Thought Process

The biggest challenge for this project was that it had image heavy pages that had to load as fast as possible. I looked through the original site to determine what could be optimized and what had to be re-built. I quickly realized that most of the loading time was spent on unused scripts and large images. I went through the code to lazy load images, but it didn’t make much of a difference. The scripts were the issue. The second problem was that all the media was being requested on demand from the server, which added an additional delay to the page’s load-time.

I quickly came to the conclusion that optimizing the current site was going to take longer than building it from scratch. I put together a test that reproduced the landing page’s functionality but based on a static page model instead of a dynamic one. The results were immediately noticeable.

*Here is an early test of the old website and my Gatsby version.*

After my proof of concept, I was told to go ahead and rebuild the whole site’s frontend. After the users coming from social media interacted with the experience, they would move on to completing the conversion that was running on legacy backend for the first stage of the product’s launch. Later we would be able to move it to Shopify seamlessly because the frontend wouldn’t change.

Web Stack and Explanation

I used Gatsby as my static page generator to ensure that the pages would load as fast as possible. I also chose this technology because it’s based on React, this gave me flexibility to use components that I had been working on previously. I built a markdown based content management system for the team to add and modify content easily. I deployed it to Netlify because it offers an open source CMS and admin solutions out of the box. Finally, I implemented Stripe for payments using their Nodejs API. Since I wanted to avoid deploying a server, I added a serverless lambda function that talked to the Stripe API.

Initial speed tests of the static site using GatsbyJS and its image optimization API.

Lessons Learned & Future Work

The approach we took for this project was setting small goals, building minimum viable products and comparing those to the ones in production. This led to a fast paced process that yielded well performing results. Having the opportunity to build from scratch and learn from the company’s previous mistakes gave me a huge lead.

Alejandro Aspinwall
© 2023, Built and designed by Alejandro Aspinwall